Single-board woodworking projects can be a fun and satisfying challenge. Here's a technique for making a toolbox out of a single 2×4 good for new and experienced woodworkers alike.
From the New Issue of Make: Our Eight Standout Dev Boards Every year, companies big and small release scores of new microcontrollers, increasing the processing power and features. Sorting through the options can be the hardest part of a project, but these boards stood out based on their advanced specs, built-in offerings, and in some cases, for their innovative interface options.
Review: The Droplit v2 Resin Printer SeeMeCNC's DropLit v2 is a bring-your-own-projector resin printer kit that requires a healthy dose of patience and elbow grease. However, the reward is a low-cost entry to the world of crisp, high-resolution 3D printing.
Solder Together a Fairy Lights Mason Jar Place three strings of battery-powered LEDs into a glass jar and use a microcontroller to sequentially fade the light strands. We made it festive for 4th of July next month, but you can use whatever colors you want!
Maker Spotlight: Ernest Warzocha Ernest Warzocha is a Polish maker who loves using Arduino in his projects. One of his favorites, Musi, uses distance sensors and surrounding objects to sequence music. Check out videos of a few of his projects.
MakeShift Challenge: To the Bat Cave! From MacGyver creator Lee Zlotoff, can you find your way out of a pitch-black bat cave using only your wits and what's on your back? Develop your own solution and read previous winning entries.
The Sparkfun RedStick is an Arduino Uno compatible dev board in the form factor of a USB stick, perfect for developing on the go. Check out our mini review.
Open source hardware and software company Espruino has its share of successes and challenges. From building community to fighting counterfeits, read the full story here.
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