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Mannerisms: Who Would You Appoint As CEO of ST?

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I hope you enjoy the frank and authoritative analysis and comment on the semiconductor industry from my Mannerisms blog on
David Manners
Senior Components Editor – Electronics Weekly
David is the author of Mannerisms, covering ruminations on the electronics industry.
David Manners - Senior Components Editor
Most Recent Mannerisms


Who Would You Appoint As CEO of ST?
Last November I was asked by an ST guy who, in my opinion, would be appointed CEO of ST when Carlo Bozotti's contract expired in the Spring
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Eds Sets Out To Cut A Dash
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The Magic Of Noyce
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The Plot Thickens
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Fable: The Negotiator
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Do We Want 5G?
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Most Read Mannerisms
  1. Who Would You Appoint As CEO of ST?
  2. The Plot Thickens
  3. Boland Looking To 'Fully Cognisant' Autonomous Cars
  4. Fable: The Momentous Decision
  5. Top Ten Chip Manufacturers


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