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Maker Faire Bay Area 2017 in Pictures

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The latest news from Make:
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Maker Faire Bay Area 2017 in Pictures
Make: editors were out in force for Maker Faire Bay Area over the weekend, snapping pics of all the amazing things to see. Here's our massive photo collection from all three days of the faire!
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Glowforge Announces Units Shipping
Maker Faire alumni Glowforge was back over the weekend to show off their much talked about laser cutting system, and they came with news their Kickstarter backers have been waiting for. They are in production and shipping units.
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Pay What You Want Humble Book Bundle: Maker Essentials — Faire Special
To celebrate last weekend's Maker Faire Bay Area, name your price for over $300 of Make: ebooks and magazines perfect for helping you gain lifelong maker skills. Make: and Humble Bundle offer you a great selection of our ebooks and Maker Faire best-sellers in this new bundle. There's even a sweet deal on Make: magazine digital and subscription offers. Best of all, proceeds benefit Maker Ed! Help bring STEAM education to students across the globe while setting your own price for a virtual armload of the newest Make: ebooks and those favorites that always sell out at Maker Faire. Ends 10:59amPT on Wednesday, May 31!
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Review: Voltera V-One Makes Custom Homemade PCBs with Less Mess
The Voltera V-One minimizes the mess and makes DIY printed circuit board (PCB) production more accurate and automated.
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Fidget Spinner
Make a Simple Fidget Spinner with Zip Ties
Fidget spinners are fun and easy DIY projects. Make this simple fidget spinner with some simple zip ties and everyday hardware.
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One Car Workshop: How to Use Epoxy to Salvage Cracked Wood
Mistakes can happen when woodworking. Learn how to reattach two pieces of wood with superglue, some painter's tape, and five-minute epoxy.
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Electrick: A Spray-On Touchscreen Interface
Prepare to get your mind blown with all the possibilities. Researchers from Carnegie Melon University show how they're adding touch interaction to just about anything with spray-on conductive ink and a series of electric sensors.
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More from Make:
The ESP8266-based Adafruit Feather Huzzah is a great way to connect your embedded project to the internet. Check out our mini review.
Siren Care is a wearables company that embeds electronic sensors into clothing in order to track changes in a person's health. Check out how their new smart socks went from bulky prototype to streamlined wearable device.
Upcoming Maker Faires
»  Maker Faire Wallonia (Liege, Belgium): May 25
»  Adana Mini Maker Faire (Turkey): May 26–27
»  Izmir Mini Maker Faire (Turkey): May 26–28
»  Vilnius Mini Maker Faire (Lithuania): May 26–27
»  Lomé Mini Maker Faire (Togo): May 26–27
»  Strasbourg Mini Maker Faire (France): May 27–28
»  Torino Mini Maker Faire (Italy): May 27–28
»  Sunshine Coast Mini Maker Faire (Gibsons, BC, Canada): May 28
»  Chisinau Mini Maker Faire (Republic of Moldova): May 28
»  Jerusalem Mini Maker Faire (Israel): May 31
Find a Maker Faire near you on the Maker Faire map.
Maker Media, Inc | 1700 Montgomery St, Suite 240 | San Francisco, CA 94111
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