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If it’s May, it’s time for Maker Faire Bay Area

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Wednesday May 10, 2017
Join Us at Maker Faire Bay Area, May 19–21
Celebrating 12 years in the San Francisco Bay Area, Maker Faire Bay Area showcases the innovative, creative, and ingenious projects of over 1,300 inspirational makers. Projects range from garage hobbies and fun inventions at every level to prototypes and new-to-market products. There will be opportunities to get hands-on with projects and, as always, gain new skills and knowledge. Here are just a few of the makers we're excited to see:
•  This huge event has some amazingly giant projects! Come see the debut, and only appearance, of the MegaBots Mk.III combat robot before the Giant Robot Duel in August! Plus we'll have a gigantic Balloon Makey, TOBOR the Giant Robotic Dinosaur, the massive mechanical Big Ant, and the 30-foot-tall 3D Stroboscopic Zoetrope.
•  Aerial Sports League (dSports World 3): This popular event features FPV racing, combat, Tiny Whoop racing, and a drone Rotor Derby. Build and fly a drone in the Drone Learning Zone.
•  Delorean Hovercraft: This hand-made Delorean is an amphibious vehicle that travels around by hovering on a cushion of air. Powered by gasoline engines and fans, it can carry two people over any relatively flat surface. Flux capacitor included.
•  Tinker Kitchen: This food hacking community will host a maker space with all the cooking gadgets you can't fit into your kitchen. Get hands on with industrial culinary hardware like sous vide circulators, commercial pasta extruders, chocolate tempering machines, and more.
Check out all the Makers for Maker Faire Bay Area 2017 on our website.
Tickets for Maker Faire Bay Area 2017 are on sale now and available at online-only advance pricing through Thursday, May 18 at Tickets can also be purchased at the Faire May 19–21.
Join us at Maker Faire
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Let's Innovate at DevNet Create
Devnet Create - The IOT and cloud development conference where applications meet infrastructure.
The two-day conference was built to bring clarity to the blurred lines between infrastructure and applications. Through two session tracks (IoT & User Experience and Cloud & DevOps), networking, keynotes, workshops, mini-hacks and learning labs, the conference offers top notch content combined with hands-on learning, to break down the barriers between infrastructure and applications and helps developers accelerate innovation. Don't miss our Maker Keynote panel with Sherry Huss, Maker Media VP, on Tuesday, May 23rd! Use discount code DC17MAKER to get 20% off. Code is valid for first 100 registrations.
Register now!
This 16-Year-Old Waiting to Get His License Is A Bit Unusual
Mark Matthias, who organizes the Westport Maker Faire in Connecticut, shared with us the story of Ryan Felner, a sophomore in high school who figured out how to start a drone business. Mark invited Ryan to give a talk at Maker Faire titled “Adventures of a 16-year-old Drone Pilot.” We learned more about Ryan's adventures in a story written by his mother, Michele.
Here's the short version. Ryan, who loves photography, bought a drone and began taking pictures of homes on Long Island Sound. He registered the drone with the FAA as a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS).
With his drone, he started taking photos and shooting videos of the New England Coast and created a gorgeous website, Here's a YouTube video of one of his flights.
Ryan started talking to real estate brokers about creating photos and videos for homes that were for sale and he started a small business last summer. The local paper wrote a story about him and his business, which was exciting.
“UNTIL… Later that night, Ryan went online to “admire” his article and was excited to see people had posted comments. But they were horrible! There were people from all over the country commenting on how what Ryan was doing was illegal, since the FAA had just recently implemented new UAS regulations a few weeks earlier. They were pretty negative and mean… But then a few other commenters wrote in support of Ryan, stating how he might not have known, as so many people had not heard of the release of the new regulations at the time, and people should “give the kid a break.”
The next day, things got even worse. Ryan came home from school to see an email from a safety representative for the FAA, that said he must contact them ASAP, as he could be subjected to big fines, etc…”
Ryan wrote the FAA that he would stop flying his drone. He would have to take a pilot's exam and apply for a commercial license, once he turned 16 in six month's time. This April, during spring break, Ryan studied for the test and passed the exam at Sikorsky Airport. Mark Mathias invited Ryan to exhibit his drone at the Westport Maker Faire Westport and give a presentation. Marilyn Pearson with the FAA came and presented Ryan with his Remote Pilot Airman Certificate. Mark Matthias added: “The Superintendent of Westport Public Schools was so impressed with Ryan, that she has suggested that he do an independent study course on drone piloting.” Good work, Ryan.
Photo: Dave Curtis
Maker Camp 2017 — June to August
This will be our sixth year organizing Maker Camp to introduce more young people to the practice of making. This year, Maker Camp kicks off June 19 as part of the National Week of Making, and we are looking for leaders to organize local maker camps. Last year, we had over 700 affiliated camps, including libraries, youth centers, and museums. We provide some leadership training, offer a menu of projects that you can do with kids, and support a platform for sharing best practices and celebrating youth projects. Our belief is that making can be introduced into any kind of summer camp for almost any age level. You just have to make it your own and fit the needs of your local community!
We are also happy to announce that Bridget Rigby joins us as Director of Maker Camp for 2017. Bridget has a background in informal learning, working as Learning Director at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose and also with Summer Camps @ The Tech and Camp Galileo through Galileo Learning.
Please join us this year for Maker Camp.
Host a Maker Camp
More news to come as we ramp up. We're looking forward to Maker Camp 2017 and hope you will participate.
Dale Dougherty
Founder and CEO, Make:
Fascinating news from around the Maker Movement
Brought to you by Make: | Home of Maker Faire + Make: Magazine
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The Make: Community Newsletter is edited by Dale Dougherty, Make:'s Founder and CEO. Our coverage includes news, information and inspiration from around the global Maker Movement. If there's something you'd like us to cover, let us know at

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